Wondering what does the bible say about cremation? I admit I have been turning custom cremation vessels for many years now and I haven’t been solid on where the bible stands on cremation till now. Seems a bit funny right? This article covers all the verses that I came across regarding cremation and several of the leading concerns about cremation …
Considering Cremation – What the Bible says about Cremation and the Cleansing of Impurity
Are you considering cremation, let’s take a look at what the bible says about cremation. I am a wood sculptor out of Raleigh, North Carolina doing work in urn artistry. I have been turning custom cremation vessels for the many years now. My first article delved into the Bible’s take on the keeping of ashes. This article looks more in …
What does the bible say about keeping ashes? Is it ok to keep the ashes of your loved ones in your home?
Are you considering cremation and are wondering what does the bible say about keeping ashes? I have been turning custom cremation vessels for many years now. I thought it was time to get really clear on what the bible has to say about cremation. Specifically, what does the bible say about keeping ashes? Are you educating yourself on the logistics …