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What is Cremation Jewelry and what are all the options

In Uncategorized by Jason Van Duyn

I am a wood sculptor from Raleigh, NC making turned wooden urns similar to that of my wood sculpture.  This variant is what I refer as urn artistry.  Aside from the traditional vessel or cremation urn this article looks into some of the other nice options for a memorial of your loved ones.  Specifically I am writing about cremation jewelry. What …

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Van Duyn Bees – raw local honey in Raleigh, North Carolina

In Uncategorized by Jason Van Duyn

Looking for raw local honey near you?  Believe it or not this page is about raw local honey/beekeeping and not woodwork, well at least most of it isn’t.  I started keeping bees several years ago which makes for a nice compliment to my woodwork business.  I have built all of my hive parts, and I even have started experimenting with …

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Are you Concerned about whether to Cremate and wonder what does the bible say about Cremation?

In Uncategorized by Jason Van Duyn

Wondering what does the bible say about cremation?  I admit I have been turning custom cremation vessels for many years now and I haven’t been solid on where the bible stands on cremation till now.  Seems a bit funny right?  This article covers all the verses that I came across regarding cremation and several of the leading concerns about cremation …

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Considering Cremation – What the Bible says about Cremation and the Cleansing of Impurity

In Uncategorized by Jason Van Duyn

Are you considering cremation, let’s take a look at what the bible says about cremation.  I am a wood sculptor out of Raleigh, North Carolina doing work in urn artistry.  I have been turning custom cremation vessels for the many years now.  My first article delved into the Bible’s take on the keeping of ashes.  This article looks more in …

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What does the bible say about keeping ashes? Is it ok to keep the ashes of your loved ones in your home?

In Uncategorized by Jason Van Duyn

Are you considering cremation and are wondering what does the bible say about keeping ashes?  I have been turning custom cremation vessels for many years now.  I thought it was time to get really clear on what the bible has to say about cremation. Specifically, what does the bible say about keeping ashes? Are you educating yourself on the logistics …

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Can I use this wood? Turning Spalted Maple and Work with Spalted Wood

In Uncategorized by Jason Van Duyn

Spalted wood is one of my main turning materials, when considering wood with some figure.  I primarily turn sculptural vessels and cremation urns and proactively take steps to spalt a lot of the wood that I gather.  In my area spalted maple is most common and the most diverse spalting species.  That being said I spalt just about every species …